What Are Your Mom’s Care Needs?

Older adults are more likely to have at least one chronic health condition and take medications to keep it from worsening. High blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart diseases are prevalent. When your mom has at least one of these, it’s important to consider the benefits of supporting her with regular visits from […]

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4 Things Seniors Should Always Pack For Trips

When seniors are going on trips, there are some things that they need to bring every time just in case they end up in a situation they don’t expect. It doesn’t matter if the trip is overnight or much longer these items should be the first things that seniors pack. Home care assistance can help […]

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Symptoms of TIA Seniors Should Know

Almost 250,000 adults in the United States have transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, every single year. TIAs are often called a “ministroke.” They are caused by blocked blood flow to the brain. TIA occurs most often in people who are over the age of 55. Ministroke can be an indicator that a senior has a […]

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