Almost 250,000 adults in the United States have transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, every single year. TIAs are often called a “ministroke.” They are caused by blocked blood flow to the brain. TIA occurs most…

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As we age, it is natural for our social circles to shift and change. Perhaps we retire from work and no longer have the daily interactions with colleagues, or our friends and family members move…

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Summer Temperatures

Did you know that summer heart attacks are often due to hot temperatures? Heat-related illnesses, like heat exhaustion or heat stroke, happen when a body is not able to properly cool itself. While the body…

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Recline = Decline

On July 1, 1946, the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) opened its doors and occupied one floor of a small building in Atlanta, Georgia. Its primary mission was simple yet highly challenging: prevent malaria from spreading…

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Reach out!

It’s a fact, home is the safest place for all of us to be right now.   But there’s this to consider…social distancing, the smartest way to avoid contact with COVID-19 for ourselves and our communities,…

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The first week of December is National Handwashing Awareness Week! Why is this week so important? The goal of National Handwashing Awareness Week is to decrease the spread of the flu and other infectious diseases…

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