Tips for Seniors: Reduce Memory Loss

Forgetting familiar names, not remembering where we left our keys, or forgetting items at the grocery store is common, and perfectly normal.  Most people begin noticing forgetfulness around mid-life.  Brain cells begin to die off and this causes a normal decline in the brain’s ability to remember.  It is important to recognize when memory loss […]

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Technology in the Home is Helping Elders Stay Independent

Families throughout the country are incorporating monitoring, assisting, and injury/illness protection technologies to help older adults age in place.  For many elderly people, technology can mean the difference between staying at home and having to get long-term care in a facility. Technology can also be critical because it can help others retain the ability to […]

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Talking to Older Parents about Independence

Having family conversations about aging issues and long term care can be difficult. But families that plan in advance – before problems arise – make these conversations more reasonable than some may fear. An AARP survey found that most parents feel better about having this kind of discussion when things are going well, as part […]

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The Benefits of In-Home Care for Seniors

We’re living longer and healthier lives than ever before in human history. However, if a time comes when help is needed, questions about living arrangements that include assistance or care often arise. Because so many seniors wish to remain in the home and community that holds a lifetime of memories, a wide variety of home […]

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Cancer fatigue: Why it occurs and how to cope

Article written by the Mayo Clinic Staff: The exact causes of cancer fatigue and how best to treat it aren’t always clear. Find out what doctors know about cancer fatigue and what you can do about it. Fatigue, usually described as feeling tired, weak or exhausted, affects most people during cancer treatment. Cancer fatigue can […]

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Taste Disorders

As people age, we often times hear complaints that their foods do not taste as good or taste differently.  There are many potential reasons or causes.  The following resource recommends obtaining a medical evaluation to determine whether it is curable or if adjustments may be helpful. If a person loses some or all of their sense of taste, there are things that you can do to […]

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Balance and Stability in Aging

With aging, the topics of dizziness, unsteadiness and falls increases. Here is a short video highlighting common balance disorders, and a review of what can be done in the environment, as well as individually, to promote greater stability:

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