“The Sandwich Generation – The Cluttered Nest”

adapted from an article by Sheri & Bob Stritof What is the Sandwich Generation? It is a demanding time when a couple or an individual is still dealing with parenting issues, thinking about their own retirement, and yet facing the issues of coping with aging parents. Deciding which has the highest priority can tear a marriage apart […]

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More tips for staying happy, healthy & at home

For constipation prevention: ensure adequate fluids (Plum Start, prune juice–if tolerated); offer increased fibers (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, Fiber-One bars, Prune Bran recipe includes–Box of All Bran Cereal, 4 cups of Prune Juice, 1 Tablespoon Sugar, 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice, mix together, refrigerate and may offer 2-3 tablespoons daily or as often as needed) Note:  […]

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On Circulatory Health

All of our body parts, organs, and cells need adequate blood supplies which is how oxygen is carried to sustain life.  An easy way to check for adequate circulation to extremities (arms & legs) is to have blood pressure taken in all four extremities (arms & legs) and the numbers should be similar. As always, […]

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Anticipating when death is near

What are the signs that death is approaching? What can the caregiver do to make the client comfortable? Certain signs and symptoms can help a caregiver anticipate when death is near. They are described below, along with suggestions for managing them. It is important to remember that not every client experiences each of the signs […]

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10 points/tips to help identify health concerns

You already know that obvious symptoms, such as chest pain and severe abdominal pain, require immediate medical attention. But the not-so-obvious symptoms may leave you wondering whether you need to seek care. Here’s a list of symptoms that merit follow up. While some of them are more urgent than others, none should be ignored. These […]

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Heart attack signs and symptoms

Some heart attacks are sudden and intense where no one doubts what’s happening. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren’t sure what’s wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening: # Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks […]

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Active lifestyles reduce the chance of dementia

We are continually being reminded that exercise to our body and mind has tremendous impact upon our health and well-being. Here is another recent study to support these findings: Staying mentally active by engaging in activities that challenge and stimulate the mind may be a key factor in maintaining memory and other cognitive skills. A […]

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Diabetes Information

More and more people are developing diabetes at younger and younger ages. Often times, if a person’s blood sugar is either too low or too high, you will see personality changes and their level of consciousness may also vary. Long term effects of uncontrolled blood sugars in a person with diabetes leads to compromising and […]

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Stroke Awareness Tips

A stroke is a medical emergency. Every minute counts when someone is having a stroke. The longer blood flow is cut off to the brain, the greater the damage. Immediate treatment can save people’s lives and enhance their chances for successful recovery. The symptoms of a stroke are distinct because they happen quickly: # Sudden […]

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Take a moment

As we all continue to have the privilege of interacting and serving many others, taking the time to pause and really explore the lives of those that we serve can be challenging. In the near future, I challenge you to complete the following exercise: Take a moment and watch a person with dementia. Watch their […]

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