The Great Snow and Ice Storm of 2025!

Thank you to all of our Touching Hearts At Home caregivers for their dedication to their clients during the snow and ice event from the winter storm that began on Saturday January 4. Central Kansas was hit with about 1/4-1/2 of ice and anywhere from 12”-18” of snow. Particular thanks to Dustin Bryant for his perseverance in Hutchinson. He has dug himself out of the snow and not missed taking care of his client in Hutchinson. We are also grateful for Patricia Pender who spent the night in a motel near her client so she could be within safe travel distance, Catherine Serrano spent the night at relatives so she could do the same. Christa Downey, Jennifer Castaneda, and Sherri Fisher traveled to take care of their clients’ overnight needs. Dawn Swenson-Borroff traveled and did not miss a shift. Peter Settle got snowed in with his clients over the weekend and was with them to provide needed service. There are other stories as well; those that worked over the weekend include Tiffany West, Brenda Hoffman, Jada Pinkston, and Kelsey Rookstool. We are so grateful to all of our caregivers for their dedication to their clients well-being.

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