Health Complications of Loneliness

What is loneliness? Many people automatically think that being alone is the same as feeling lonely but in reality, they are two different situations. A person can be alone and not feel lonely at all and a person can be in a room full of crowded people (even people he knows) and feel like the […]

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Six Reasons Now is the Time for Senior Home Care

Taking care of aging loved ones can be both rewarding and challenging. Many families try to manage the responsibilities themselves, often delaying the decision to hire professional help. However, there comes a point when hiring professional senior home care becomes necessary. Here are six compelling reasons why now is the time to consider it. Reason […]

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How Can Companion Care at Home Enrich Seniors’ Lives?

For seniors who don’t need a lot of hands-on help just yet, companion care at home might be the right level of assistance. That’s because companion caregivers can enhance quality of life without making any big changes in seniors’ routines and activities. Companion caregivers can spend time with aging adults, keeping them company and offering […]

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Touching Hearts at Home Franchise Owners Regional Meeting

David Settle, Administrator and co-owner of Touching Hearts at Home of Central Kansas attended the Touching Hearts at Home franchise owners S.W. Regional meeting in Ft. Worth, TX on April 22nd. Other franchisees from around the country as well as home office representatives attended the two day meeting. Settle, who served as the S.W. Regional […]

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McPherson High School Band Marches in All School’s Day Parade!

The McPherson High School Band marches in the McPherson County All Schools Day Parade Friday morning, May 10th. Bands and participants from all over McPherson County and others from the State of Kansas, including state and national political office holders participated in the annual event. The Parade is the feature event and draws hundreds of […]

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McPherson County All School’s Day Parade

The McPherson County All Schools Day Celebration was held on Friday and Saturday May 10th and 11th. The feature event for the weekend is the All School’s Day Parade held Friday morning at 10:30. Touching Hearts at Home staff and caregivers were able to participate in the event by marching in the parade giving away […]

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Delivering Some Extra “Love” to Clients and Caregivers

Shaylee Enabnit and Dawn Swenson-Boroff had a busy couple of days this week delivering some packages of love and Valentine cards to our clients. Touching Hearts at Home opened in 2018 when we obtained our Kansas license and opened our McPherson office, since then we have served more than 250 families in central Kansas. Today […]

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