What Does Independence Look Like As Your Parents Age?
Independence is defined as the ability or state of remaining free from another person’s control. For an older adult, independence is vital to happiness.
Even as they age, your parents don’t want to admit that they’re starting to struggle to take care of their home or themselves. They want to remain independent and may begin to hide things from you in hopes that you won’t notice. The problem is that you do see these subtle changes and worry about them.
Tips for Maintaining Independence
Your parents shouldn’t stop being active after retirement. They may love the freedom of being able to get up late in the morning, watch movies, and play games all day, but they need to do things that keep them healthy and active, too.
Daily exercise is one of the best ways to remain independent. Your parents need to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day. A daily walk, a bike ride, or swimming laps in a pool help ensure their muscles stay toned and they remain as limber as possible.
They should go out and visit friends. If their social circle is shrinking, they need to make new friends. Volunteering is one way to do this. They could also join their local senior center for luncheons, dances, and social clubs like a book reading group.
Within their home, changes may need to be made to help them remain independent. Moving the laundry room to the main floor can help. If there isn’t much space in a bathroom, they could embrace the British norm of having the washer and dryer in the kitchen.
For safety, they should have grab bars added to the bathtub or shower and near their toilet. Non-slip flooring, sturdy rails on the staircases, and brighter lighting are also beneficial home improvements.
Discuss Their Concerns
Sit down and talk to your parents about their concerns. They don’t want to have someone doing everything for them. Make sure they know that home care providers are only there to help them when needed. If they forget to take their pills each morning, they can have a caregiver stop by to help them with that.
Things that your parents are still fully capable of doing independently aren’t something the caregiver will try to do. They need to be reassured that they still have their freedom. If you explain this to them, they’re more likely to agree to have home care services.
Home care services offer the support your parents need to age at home. If you worry about their well-being as they get older, a home care aide is the answer to your worries. Your parents have the help they need with complex daily tasks, which ensures they remain independent and happy without leaving their current home.
If you are considering home care in Miamisburg, OH, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts At Home of Dayton today at 937-558-9394.
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