You Can Help Your Elderly Loved One Handle Emotional Stress

Does your elderly loved one get stressed easily? Maybe this hasn’t always been the case – it could have started recently. No matter whether it has been going on for a long time or it just began, it is important that your elderly loved one has healthy ways to handle their emotional stress. The good news is there are some tips that can help your elderly loved one handle their stress now and in the future. Hopefully, these tips are ones that your elderly loved one can use for a long time.


Senior Care in Centerville OH
Senior Care in Centerville OH

One of the best things that your elderly loved one can do to handle emotional stress is to meditate. Research shows that meditation can do wonders for stress. While it might take some time to get used to, if your elderly loved one does 5 minutes of meditation every day, it can change the way they handle stress. Meditation can help your elderly loved one to accept their thoughts, learn to process them, and handle them in better ways. Meditation can also help your elderly loved one to let go of negative emotions when those emotions no longer serve them. You or a senior care provider can turn on a guided meditation to get your elderly loved one started with this practice.

Spending Time with a Pet

If your elderly loved one has a pet, you should encourage them to spend time with their pet more. This might just include laying on their bed and cuddling with their pet. It could also include taking their dog for a walk or petting their cat on the couch. Research shows that pets often have a way to making humans feel happier. In addition, when someone is angry or upset about something, just spending time with a pet can help to relieve some of that anger. If you have never heard of this before, look more into pet therapy and you can read more about the benefits of this for your elderly loved one.

Getting Out in Nature

Another way that your elderly loved one can handle their emotional stress is by getting out in nature. Research shows that being outside – in the sunlight and in the fresh air – can help to relieve stress. It can also help people to process their emotions. If your elderly loved one has negative emotions they need to work through, going for a walk outside (for even 10 minutes) can make all the difference. It might be able to relieve the negative emotion and even replace it with a positive one.


These are some of the things that can help your elderly loved one to handle emotional stress. Encourage your elderly loved one to practice these things today. If they need help, you or a senior care provider can help them to get started with these tips.


If you are considering senior care in Centerville, OH, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts At Home of Dayton today at 937-558-9394.