Exercises for Seniors with Arthritis

It is very common for seniors with arthritis to not want to exercise. It is not always due to bad habits, but also because arthritis can be very painful at times which prevents them from doing physical activities. However, regular low impact exercise can strengthen the joints and muscles that improve flexibility and slowly reduce arthritic symptoms. Not doing exercise, on the other hand, may lead to muscle loss or weight gain which could worsen the situation. Having companion care at home services assisting in an exercise program can help things along.

Regular Exercises:

Companion Care at Home Haile FL - Exercises for Seniors with Arthritis
Companion Care at Home Haile FL – Exercises for Seniors with Arthritis

There are many low impact exercises that can be practiced regularly to improve health and arthritic symptoms over time.

Walking: Doing regular, simple walks can make a difference.

Water exercises: The good thing about water exercise is that it does not put pressure on one’s joints.

Chair Stand: This is a very helpful, easy workout that can be done regularly.

Stretching: Hand and foot stretching with some free hand activities are also very good to practice.

Consult a professional before starting:

Always, one should consult his or her doctor before starting any kind of regular physical activity in case of arthritis. Your doctor may advise undergoing routine health check ups before starting a new exercise regime. Depending upon your health conditions, they can suggest you the best suitable routine to follow.

When you start your prescribed exercises, an extra pair of eyes are always helpful. Before starting the exercise regime, a little warm up session is also advised. Moreover, it is important to work out both the left and right sides of your body. If your senior feels any kind of pain or uneasiness, they should stop immediately. Companion care at home services is very useful in these cases.

Area specific exercises in arthritis:

For hand and wrist: Fist close, Wrist bend and Make an “O” with the wrist.

For hips and knees: Sitting stretches, Step ups

Ankles and Feet: Ankle circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

Multiple area: Swimming in moderate depth with a supervisor.

For joints: Water aerobics is very effective.

For Muscles: Lifting light weights can seem intimidating to seniors with arthritis, but it can help strengthen muscles and joints.

Whole body: Yoga is a very effective way for the entire body in terms of arthritis.

Help with Arthritis and Exercise with Companion Care at Home Aides

In case of arthritis, especially for seniors, regular exercise is the best possible way to reduce the symptoms and pain. Having said that, you need to be very cautious with your loved one who has arthritis, the outcome of an unmonitored or haphazard exercise may cause more harm than good.

That is why companion care at home is useful; it will help monitor your senior. Companion care at home is also beneficial for customized exercise plans and their executions. Professional help is always better in these scenarios as it can constantly monitor the patient and his or her improvements. If required, then changes to schedules can also be made very easily without causing any trouble whatsoever. Call us and see how companion care at home services can help you today!

Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7564491/

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6590333/
  • https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-019-2521-4

If you are considering Companion Care at Home Services in Haile FL, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts Home Care. Call today: 352-225-3727.

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