Upgrades That Declutter and Organize Your Mom's Home

Your mom has far too much clutter. She insists she needs everything she owns, but it’s piled on her dining room table, in the spare bedroom, and along the hallway floor. You worry about her safety. Here are some of the easiest ways to declutter and get her home organized. This can be accomplished with home care assistance as well.

Add Boards for Extra Shelving

Home Care Assistance Newberry FL - Upgrades That Declutter and Organize Your Mom's Home
Home Care Assistance Newberry FL – Upgrades That Declutter and Organize Your Mom’s Home

Are there areas where you could add a board and create more storage space? In many homes, basement stairs align with the stairs going to the second floor. The backside of the stairs leading to the second floor is perfect for creating new shelving.

Add a board to the backside of each stair that’s within reach from the basement stairs. As your mom walks down the basement stairs, she’ll quickly reach the shelves that have been set up to hold smaller items. You can use these shelves for cleaning supplies like extra sponges, vacuum bags, and mop pads.

Organize Small, Loose Items in Milk Crates

Many stores sell plastic milk crates for storage. They’re handy for storing loose items like hats and gloves. Put all of your mom’s gloves together to make sure she has complete sets. Put them into the milk crate and place that on the top of the shelf in her coat closet.

Milk crates are also handy for storing knitting supplies and other crafting items. She could put her frozen vegetables and meats into separate bins and move them into her chest freezer for better organization.

Cube Storage Units Increase Storage Space

Head to a discount retailer and look at the cube storage units. They’re not expensive. It takes an hour or less to assemble them, and each cube fits a basket or bin that can hold several items. They’re all handy for her to access, but they’re in an organized, hidden location.

You can use a cube storage unit as an entertainment center. Line a dining room wall with a large unit and store small kitchen appliances that are only used now and then. You can also put plates, glasses, cookbooks, and cutlery in these bins.

Keep Your Mom’s Home Organized With the Home Care Assistance

Once your mom’s home is decluttered and organized, have you considered the best ways to keep it that way? Home care assistance provides your mom with a caregiver for light housekeeping. The caregiver can put things where they go after a shopping trip after taking your mom shopping.

On laundry days, home care assistance will help with the laundry, iron anything that needs ironing, and put everything where it goes. Call our specialist and ask about the prices for home care assistance services.

If you are considering Home Care Assistance Services in Newberry FL, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts Home Care. Call today: 352-225-3727.

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