The Best Fruits For Seniors and Some To Avoid

Eating a well-rounded diet is crucial for seniors but also something that is overlooked. Some seniors may no longer feel the need to eat healthy because this is the last stage in life. However, home care assistance should always encourage healthy eating and help the seniors grocery shop for healthy items. It is best for everyone to stay away from pre-packaged foods and go for fresh fruits and vegetables when a senior is craving foods.

Home Care Assistance Spring Hill TN - The Best Fruits For Seniors and Some To Avoid
Home Care Assistance Spring Hill TN – The Best Fruits For Seniors and Some To Avoid

Certain cravings can even mean your body is lacking in specific nutrients. Seniors should keep regular doctors appointments to get their levels checked. This will help home care assistance aides understand what a senior should and should not eat. Some medications a senior takes could interact negatively with certain foods, so it will be important for a doctor to write out exactly what a senior should not be eating.

Here is a basic list of fruits that most seniors can enjoy and some fruits that seniors should avoid. Before coming up with a shopping list, encourage home care assistance providers and the senior to visit the doctor to find out what should be avoided. All medications and lifestyles will be different.

Fruits Seniors Should Eat

Here are some fruits home care should encourage seniors to eat if they are hungry for a snack.


Believe it or not, grapes are filled with an antioxidant called resveratrol that helps promote heart health. This can be a great thing for a senior to focus on.


This is a great fruit to snack on raw or turned into a baked good. Blueberries are filled with vitamin K and C. These small but powerful fruits can help regulate metabolism and blood sugar.


Maybe you’ve heard of “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” For the most part, seniors should always be going to the doctor for checkups, but this saying is still partly true. Apples are a great source of soluble fiber and are filled with tons of vitamin C.


This fruit will help reduce inflammation because cherries are filled with an antioxidant called anthocyanin. This antioxidant also helps give cherries their bright color that most of us have come to recognize.

Fruits Seniors Should Avoid

This is something a home care assistance provider should encourage a senior to talk to a doctor about. Most home care assistants can help a senior create wonderful meals and work around diet restrictions but they will not know about the medicine. Home care is not allowed to touch or hand out the medication and cannot prescribe a senior anything. The doctor will need to provide a list of foods that a senior should avoid.


Although most fruit is healthy to consume and a part of a well-rounded diet some fruits can actually interfere with medications. Grapefruit can block the action of intestinal CYP3A4 which is responsible for breaking down drugs.


Some medications use pump cells to move around the drugs and oranges can interact with those pump cells. This means a drug stays in the blood longer.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Assistance Services in Spring Hill TN, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home. Serving Middle Tennessee (Nashville, Brentwood, Belle Meade, Franklin, Spring Hill, Columbia, Pulaski, and more!) Call today: 629-203-7925.

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