Here’s How to Reduce the Chances of Your Elderly Loved One Falling

Have you been worried that your elderly loved one will fall when they are left alone? If so, there are many ways that you can reduce the chances of your elderly loved one falling. The first thing to remember is that falls happen for numerous reasons – clutter, muscle weakness, balance issues, and more. If your elderly loved one has any of these issues, there are things you can do to help them out.

Exercising More

Home Care Spring Hill TN - Here’s How to Reduce the Chances of Your Elderly Loved One Falling
Home Care Spring Hill TN – Here’s How to Reduce the Chances of Your Elderly Loved One Falling

One of the things that your elderly loved one can do to reduce the chances of them falling is exercising more. If you can’t be there with your elderly loved one to make sure they are exercising, you can have their home care provider do so. Exercising regularly can help your elderly loved one to improve their balance and strengthen their muscles, both of which help to reduce falls.

Getting a Vision Exam

If your elderly loved one is having vision issues, this could increase their risk of falling. For instance, if they are having blurry vision, it could cause them to lose their balance and fall. If this is the case, be sure they get a vision exam as soon as possible. They might need glasses or eye surgery. Once their vision issues are treated, they may have less of a chance of falling.

Medication Review

Is your elderly loved one taking any medications? Certain medications can have side effects such as dizziness. This could increase your elderly loved one’s risk of falling. If you notice that a new medication your elderly loved one is taking is causing them to become dizzy, make sure you talk to their doctor about it.

Reduce Clutter in the Home

If there is a lot of clutter in your elderly loved one’s home, you or your loved one’s home care provider should help them to clear this up. The more clutter that is in the home, the higher chance your elderly loved one has of falling.

These are some of the ways that you can reduce the chances of your elderly loved one falling. You may be worried that when left alone your elderly loved one will fall. However, if you take these precautions, you can help your elderly loved one to stay safer in their own home.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Services in Spring Hill TN, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home. Serving Middle Tennessee (Nashville, Brentwood, Bell Meade, Franklin, Spring Hill, Columbia, Pulaski, and more!) Call today: 629-203-7925.

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