About Us
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope it is helpful in finding the best care for yourself or your loved ones.
Touching Hearts at Home is a non-medical homecare company that began in St. Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1996. Our mission is to provide services for seniors in their own homes, maintaining each client’s high quality of life by providing friendship, kindness and care through companionship that preserves a strong peace of mind for both them and their family. We see the opportunity to provide caregiving services to seniors as a gift that we must respectfully receive and give back with great integrity, always putting empathy and the belief in the dignity of all people in the forefront of our work.
Touching Hearts of North-Central New Jersey is locally owned and operated, combining the experience of owners Lorraine Frankel and Mary Lindewirth with the resources of a national home care company that has been providing non-medical companionship, caregiving, and homemaking services to seniors, adults with disabilities, and families battling illness since 1996. Lorraine and Mary have lived in New Jersey for over 20 years and feel privileged to serve families in Morris, Somerset and Union Counties.
Mary Lindewirth, Owner
Mary’s motivation for opening Touching Hearts at Home is in memory of her father. A few years ago her father passed away after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Her father’s illness was a sad and stressful time for her entire family. It was also a wake up call that there is a serious need to help families with aging parents. Mary brings over 25 years of business experience to Touching Hearts. Mary holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Political Science from Stony Brook University. Mary is an active member of her Long Hill community where she lives with her husband and two sons. Mary enjoys reading, skiing and exercise when she is not cheering on her children at their sporting events.

Lorraine Frankel, Owner
During the same time Mary’s family was dealing with her father’s illness, Lorraine was diagnosed with cancer. In one moment, her life was turned upside down. While working a full-time job and taking care of her family, she had to face this terrible diagnosis and fight it. Lorraine quickly learned to navigate the complex health care system. She found the best doctors, underwent two surgeries and endured months of chemotherapy. While Lorraine was recovering, her friends, family and neighbors pulled together and made sure she and her family were well cared for. She is eternally grateful for this outpouring of love and support that it motivated her to give back to families in need.
To learn more about Lorraine’s story, please click here.
Lorraine holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from SUNY New Paltz and a MBA from Adelphi University. She has spent over 20 years in credit and risk management. Lorraine is a member of The Colon Club, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of colon cancer. In her spare time, she loves shopping, going to the movies and planning events for her family and friends to help them celebrate life’s best moments. Lorraine lives in Long Hill with her husband and two sons.
Lorraine and Mary’s separate experiences inspired them to open Touching Hearts at Home to provide compassionate care to families in need. Mary and Lorraine completed New Jersey’s Board of Nursing Certified Home Health Aide course and they have successfully completed the American Heart Association’s First Aid CPR AED program. They are also certified in Alzheimer’s Association essentiALZ Plus Dementia Advanced Care. Mary and Lorraine are committed to following the Alzheimer’s Association’s CARES principles of person-centered care to improve the quality of care – and the quality of life – for people living with dementia and other age-related illnesses.

Service area includes: Morris, Somerset, and Union Counties. Basking Ridge, Berkeley Heights, Bernardsville, Chatham/Chatham Township, Dunellen, Green Brook, Harding, Long Hill Township (Gillette, Meyersville, Millington, and Stirling), Madison, Millburn, Morristown, Murray Hill, New Providence, New Vernon, Plainfield, Short Hills, Summit, Warren, Watchung, and Westfield. Specializing in Hospital Recovery Rehab Care, Dementia Care, Alzheimer’s Care, Respite Care, Live-in Care, Rehab & Hospital Recovery Care – Compassionate Care for Seniors and their Families.
Touching Hearts at Home adheres to the principles of truth in advertising, and all information accurately represents the organizations scope of services provided, licenses, price claims or testimonials.
The National Institute for Home Care Accreditation requires us to inform you of our commitment to our compliance with laws and regulations governing our business practices and direct service delivery and to the highest level of integrity, ethical standards in our dealing with the people and communities served by the organization.
Therefore, it is the policy of the organization to deliver service and conduct its business in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards and have established mechanisms to prevent and detect fraud, ensure conformity with laws, regulations, program requirements and guidelines, and ethical business practices by all of its employees.
Should you at any time observe the staff of the organization doing anything illegal, fraudulent or be asked by a staff member to do something you believe to be fraudulent, contrary to the law or program regulations or guidelines or unethical, please call the agency at 908-607-1945 and ask to speak with the Chief Executive.