Unique Card Games to Play Together on Rainy Days

As fall arrives, many areas start to see cooler, rainy days. It makes it hard to get outside as often. Your parents get bored, and you’re having a harder time finding activities that keep them stimulated and engaged. Here are some of the unique card games you or their in-home care aides can play together.

Guess In 10: States of America

In-Home Care Thompsons Station TN - Unique Card Games to Play Together on Rainy Days
In-Home Care Thompsons Station TN – Unique Card Games to Play Together on Rainy Days

In Guess in 10, pick a card and wait for other players to figure out what state you’ve chosen. They get to ask 10 questions and must figure it out from your answers. If the card is guessed, that player wins. If no one gets it, you win.

Mille Bornes

Compete against others in a race to reach 1,000 miles. The game has mileage cards, obstacles, and remedy cards. It’s not as easy as it looks, as other players can hit you with obstacle cards that give you a flat tire, drain your fuel tank, or reduced speed limits. If you’re lucky, you’ll have the remedy card in your hand to avoid having to stop until you get the remedy.

Nut Nut Squirrel

This is one of the easiest games there is to play. It’s also one of the most fun for a family. Pick cards from the deck. Keep going until you don’t feel confident the next card will be another acorn. You want to collect as many acorns as you can before ending your turn. If you draw a squirrel before you complete your turn, you lose all of the cards you drew during that turn.


This card game is an excellent choice for grandparents to play with their grandkids. You get three cards in the first round and increase to ten cards. With the cards you get, you want to spell the best possible word. There are 2x cards that boost your score, but if the game ends and you have one of them in your hand, you’re penalized.

What Do You Meme? Family Edition

If your parents don’t already know what a meme is, teach them and then play. In this game, the round’s judge selects a card from the deck. Players have to take that photo and use one of their caption cards to turn that photo into the funniest meme that they can create from their cards. The judge picks the best to win.

How In-Home Care Can Aid

Is anyone helping you by ensuring you have several hours to practice self-care each week? When was the last time you saw your friends, slept in, or had a day to yourself? With in-home care services, your parents have the caregivers they need without relying solely on you.

In-home care can help with all activities of daily living. If your parents need someone to cook meals for them, in-home care aides can help out. If they need a ride to their doctors’ appointments, caregivers can help there, too. Call our agency to learn more about these and other elder care services.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering In-Home Care Services in Thompsons Station TN, please contact the caring staff at Touching Hearts at Home. Serving Middle Tennessee (Nashville, Brentwood, Belle Meade, Franklin, Spring Hill, Columbia, Pulaski, and more!) Call today: 629-203-7925.

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